Using the Snap Modes
The Snap mode forces the cursor to move in steps of a specific distance. Snap mode is useful when you
want to select points on the screen at a fixed interval. Two snap modes are available in AutoCAD: Grid
Snap and Polar Snap. The F9 key toggles Grid Snap mode on and off, or you can click the Snap button
in the status bar. Follow these steps to access the Snap mode:
1. Choose Tools Drafting Settings, or type Ds↵ to open the Drafting Settings dialog box.
2. In the Snap Spacing group of the dialog box, double-click the Snap X Spacing text box, and
enter a value for your snap spacing. Then, press the Tab key to move to the next option.
AutoCAD assumes you want the X and Y snap spacing to be the same, unless you specifically
ask for a different Y setting.
3. You can click the Snap On check box to turn on Snap mode from this dialog box.
4. Click OK to save your settings and close the dialog box.
With Snap mode on, the cursor seems to move in steps rather than in a smooth motion. The Snap
button in the status bar appears pressed, indicating that Snap mode is on. Press F9 or click Snap in
the status bar (you can also hold down the Ctrl key and press B) to turn Snap mode on or off.
TIP You can use the Snapunit system variable to set the snap spacing. Enter ´Snapunit↵. Then,
at the Enter new value for SNAPUNIT <0´0˝,0´0˝>: prompt, enter a snap distance value
as an X,Y coordinate.
Take a moment to look at the Drafting Settings dialog box. The other option in the Snap Spacing
group enables you to force the X and Y spacing to be equal (Equal X and Y Spacing).
In the Snap Type group, you can change the snap and grid configuration to aid in creating 2D
isometric drawings by clicking the Isometric Snap radio button. The PolarSnap option enables you
to set a snap distance for the Polar Snap feature. When you click the PolarSnap radio button, the
Polar Distance option at the middle left of the dialog box changes from gray to black and white to
allow you to enter a Polar Snap distance.
NOTE You can set up the grid to automatically follow the snap spacing. To do this, set the grid X
and Y spacing to 0.
The Bottom Line
Setting Up a Work Area A blank AutoCAD drawing offers few clues about the size of the area
you’re working with, but you can get a rough idea of the area shown in the AutoCAD window.
Master It Name two ways to set up the area of your work.
Solution You can use the Limits command to define the work area, otherwise known as
the limits of the drawing. You can also draw a rectangle of the size of your work area.
Exploring the Drawing Process To use AutoCAD effectively, you’ll want to know how the
different tools work together to achieve an effect. The drawing process often involves many
cycles of adding objects and then editing them.
Master It Name the tool that causes the cursor to point in an exact horizontal or vertical
Solution Polar Tracking. Ortho mode can also perform this function.
Planning and Laying Out a Drawing If you’ve ever had to draw a precise sketch with just a
pencil and pad, you’ve probably used a set of lightly drawn guidelines to lay out your drawing
first. You do the same thing in AutoCAD; but instead of lightly drawn guidelines, you can use
any object you want. In AutoCAD, objects are easily modified or deleted so you don’t have to
be as careful when adding guidelines.
Master It What is the name of the feature that lets you select exact locations on objects?
Solution Object Snap or Osnap.
Using the AutoCAD Modes as Drafting Tools The main reason for using AutoCAD is to produce
precision technical drawings. AutoCAD offers many tools to help you produce a drawing with
the precision you need.
Master It What dialog box lets you set both the grid and snap spacing?
Solution The Drafting Settings dialog box.
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