Plot Offset
Sometimes, your first plot of a drawing shows the drawing positioned incorrectly on the paper.
You can fine-tune the location of the drawing on the paper by using the Plot Offset settings. To
adjust the position of your drawing on the paper, you enter the location of the view origin in relation
to the plotter origin in X and Y coordinates (see Figure 8.1).
For example, suppose you plot a drawing and then realize that it needs to be moved 1´ to the
right and 3´ up on the sheet. You can replot the drawing by making the following changes:
1. Double-click the X input box, type 1, and press the Tab key.
2. Double-click the Y input box, type 3, and press the Tab key.
Now, proceed with the rest of the plot configuration. With the preceding settings, the image is
shifted on the paper exactly 1´ to the right and 3´ up when the plot is done.
You can also tell AutoCAD the location from which the offset is to occur. The Plot And Publish
tab of the Options dialog box (choose Tools Options from the menu bar) offers the Specify Plot
Offset Relative To button group. This group offers two radio buttons: Printable Area and Edge Of
Paper. You can select the option that makes the most sense for you.
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